Fr. Don’s Weekly Letter ~ 15 December 2024

Dear Good People of Saint Bernadette,

It has been a crazy season, crazier than ever. And I don’t know if you noticed, parish life has become non-stop. I included a photo of last week’s breakfast with Santa/classroom Christmas tree raffle/Christmas shop below because I have never seen so many people packed in our cafeteria/gym for such a successful and joyful parish family event. People just came coming all morning! It underlined how badly we need a parish hall (page 9)! Thanks to all our PTO leaders, teachers, parents, and staff who brought so much Christmas joy to our parish. I am definitely a proud Father of my amazing family!

As things are busy and our spaces are pretty much completely booked, I wanted to give some reminders about time limits and security. Last year we invested much in programmable keys for many of the doors on the property to allow access to various buildings and zones of buildings as well as to limit access so people aren’t in the building when they are not scheduled. This is for liability as well as to make sure the wrong people aren’t gaining access to the buildings. We ask -- whatever the meeting might be, Women’s Group or CYO, please do not leave doors propped open.

Also, you may notice during the week (at least during school hours) that only one door is unlocked at either end of the church vestibule. This added security is not intended to frustrate anyone. Coming up the steps for daily Mass you will find the right-hand door open. On rare occasions the church also may be locked temporarily for special school use

Another big item in our security plan was installed this fall, the security gate on the road alongside the rectory leading to the school. The gates are closed during the school day (after morning carpool and open before afternoon carpool), and then close at 9pm. Use of buildings is to end at 9pm regardless of who is using them. This has always been the rule. If, for some reason, you need to go to the school after 9pm, you will need to park in the lower lots and walk up. If you are leaving after hours, drive up to the gate slowly; when you are near it will open so you can exit. If you need special access during the school day when the gate is closed, there is a video callbox on the left which will connect you with staff on call who will provide entry.

It is a shame that in today’s world we must be so aware of security issues, but it is all about the safety of the children.

You are our eyes and ears as people who help with security. As always, if you see something strange don’t overlook it, and inquire of a stranger if there is something you can do to help them, or contact parish staff who will be standing by.

The Lord be with you.