Weekly Schedules: Mass, Devotions, Sacraments
Please contact the parish office for more information regarding Baptisms, Marriages, Funerals and Anointing of the Sick.
Saturday Vigil 5pm - In- Person in the Church and live-streamed for Sunday, (9am and 11am are also live-streamed)
Sunday 7am, 9am, 11am, 1pm (Spanish), 5:00pm - In-Person in the Church
Filipino Community Mass, every 3rd Saturday
Eucharist is offered only under the form of bread (wine is currently suspended)
(if in need of Gluten Free, please let the usher know so that you can be seated appropriately in the church)
In English Mon through Friday
7am In-Person in the Church
9am - In-Person in the Church and live-streamed
8am - In-Person in the Church and live -streamed
Holy Days of Obligation, as announced
Adoration & Benediction, 7-8pm Fridays
Saturday, 3:30-4:30pm (English and Spanish) or by appt.
During Advent and Lent, the parish celebrates Reconciliation with special parish Penance Services, held on a weekday evening. Several visiting priests will also be available. Please watch special announcements for information.
Baptisms are celebrated at 10am, on 1st and 2nd Saturdays in English; 3rd Saturdays in Spanish. Parish registration (90 days) is required for parents and sponsors, as well as class attendance for parents. Please contact the parish office to schedule the baptism at least four weeks in advance. Baptism classes are held on the first Monday of each month in English and the first Friday of each month in Spanish at 7pm in the Bradican Room. Please call the parish office to register for the class.
Godparents [Sponsors] must be practicing Catholics in good standing, having received all sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) and, if married, married in the Catholic Church according to Canon Law. They must be registered members of the parish where they attend Mass, at least 16 years of age and practicing their faith, with the intention to assist in the faith formation of the person they are sponsoring. A child may have no more than two Godparents [Sponsors], one man and one woman. Only one Godparent [Sponsor] is required. Though not a Godparent, a baptized Christian (non-Catholic) may participate in the Rite as a Christian Witness. Ex-Catholics may not serve as Godparents.
Godparents must obtain a Sponsor Certificate from the parish where they are registered members.
Those seeking Sponsor Certificates should call the office and set a time to come and sign the form to be witnessed by a priest or deacon. Click here to read more.
Weddings are celebrated on Saturdays at 12 & 2pm. Parish registration is required (six months); contact a priest at least six months in advance of desired date to begin preparation. Click here to read more.
Please notify the Parish Office for visits and/or Communion calls to the sick and shut-ins. In case of emergency, always call the main parish number 703-451-8576. If the office is not open, phone calls are forwarded to an answering service who will contact the priest on call immediately. Click here to read more.