Operations Ministries

Just as in any organization, there is a lot of “behind the scenes” work that must be done in order for our community events and projects to be completed.  We are always in need of physical help, whether it is setting up, or cleaning up, stuffing envelopes, or answering phones.  We are also responsible for keeping our facilities in working condition and making improvements as necessary.  Just as in any organization, there is a lot of “behind the scenes” work that must be done in order for our community events and projects to be completed.  We are always in need of physical help, whether it is setting up, or cleaning up, stuffing envelopes, or answering phones.  We are also responsible for keeping our facilities in working condition and making improvements as necessary.  

Administrative Support
Mission: To assist in office tasks; help with large mailings, bulletin inserts, data entry, answering phone calls, etc.
Time:  Varies with needs. Many one-time projects several times a year.
Talent: A warm and kind disposition and willingness to serve.
Coordinators:  Rick Caporali, rcaporali@stbernpar.org and Ivonne de Frias, idefrias@stbernpar.org

Bishop’s Lenten Appeal
Mission:  To plan and organize the annual Lenten Appeal. Encourage full participation through planning, publicity, and reporting.
Time:  Annual event, January-May follow-ups.  A few additional meetings.
Talent: Organization and leadership.  Willingness to speak at Mass helpful.
Coordinator: Ed Wyse, ejwyse@yahoo.com

Communications Committee
Mission:   To spread the word about the good things happening at Saint Bernadette throughout the community. Help keep Parish Life announcements/Calendar of Events current on the parish website and in the local media and Catholic Herald, and bring our news to local assisted living facilities, hotels/motels and visitors’ locations.
Time:  Varies; 30 minutes to an hour weekly depending on the size of the ministry team.
Talent: Great at Hospitality and knowledgeable of the Parish Community, able to deliver bulletins and flyers when necessary.
Contact: Fr. Don, frdonrooney@stbernpar.org 

Development Committee
Mission:  To cultivate the financial resources of our parish and community by developing and maintaining programs that secure funds for the continued service and maintenance of parish programs and facilities.
Talent: Fundraising experience. Organized and friendly.
Coordinators:   Doug Mills, dmills@stbernpar.org and Rick Caporali, rcaporali@stbernpar.org

Gift Shop Volunteers
Mission:   Assist parishioners with the availability of books and religious articles in the gift shop located in the church vestibule.
Time:   Usually volunteers cover a Mass on Saturday evening or Sunday, by tending the shop counter before and after a Mass.
Talent:  A winning smile and super-honed sales skills.
Contact: Rita Dunham, rita_dunham@yahoo.com 

Often there is a great need for assistance to accomplish the goals set by other committees and ministries, and Logistics facilitates their successful outcome. Sometimes we just need people to help set up and put away tables and chairs!
Mission:  To organize and coordinate volunteers as they are needed; to facilitate small groups programs; to assist in the planning and managing of maintenance and improvements of parish property. Also, facilitating the physical needs of major parish events/functions.
Time:   Varies with needs. Talent:  No training is necessary, however, a diversity of expertise is very helpful.
Coordinators:   Don Loren, dloren74@outlook and Jason Ouimet, jmouimet@verizon.net