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Streaming Masses and Announcements for the week of 13 October 2024

Today's Live-Streamed

Worship Aid for 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time


fleur cross logo Our Parish Offices will be Closed on Monday, 14 October, in observance of the Federal Holiday.

fleur cross logo Please join us for our Anniversary Mass for the Dedication of our Church on Monday at 7:30 pm in the Church.

fleur cross logo Come to our Saint Bernadette Parish Picnic on Saturday, October 19th, from 1 to 5 pm. Volunteers are also needed! Please call the parish office to sign up to volunteer.

fleur cross logo High Schoolers are invited to the Diocesan RALLY on Sunday, October 27th. Join hundreds of other High Schoolers for rides, talks, Mass with the Bishop, and more. The cost is $25. Contact Grace Rihl, our Director of Youth Ministry, to register.

fleur cross logo All 6th-8th graders are invited to Middle School Youth Ministry every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. Join us THIS Wednesday, October 16th, from 6:45-8 pm in the Gym.

fleur cross logo Women are still welcome to join the Walking with Purpose Bible Study. See the bulletin for more information.

fleur cross logo Join us for our monthly Taizé Prayer Service on Monday, October 21st at 8 pm. Come for a peaceful moment of simple song and prayer for Christian Unity.

fleur cross logo Don’t forget to return your baby bottle for the Mary’s Comfort Bottle Drive.

fleur cross logoThe Bishop has announced that the Diocese will take up a second collection for disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Helene. Please see the bulletin this weekend for information on how to donate online. Our second collection will occur on November 3rd, but the need is now. These financial resources will be utilized to respond to immediate emergency needs for necessities like water, food, shelter, and medical care and aid in long-term building and recovery efforts. Your generosity is appreciated.

Streaming Masses and Announcements for the week of 6 October 2024

Today's Live-Streamed

Worship Aid for 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time


fleur cross logo Mary’s Comfort is hosting a Baby Bottle Drive. Please pick up your bottle after Mass and help us by filling it with bills of any denomination or a check made payable to Mary’s Comfort. Bottles can be returned the following weekend. Please visit their table in the vestibule.

fleur cross logo All Women are invited to join this year’s Walking with Purpose Bible Study on Tuesday mornings beginning October 8th and Thursday evenings starting Oc-tober 12th. Representatives are in the vestibule after Mass.

fleur cross logo Everyone is invited to The Lord of Miracles Mass and Procession on Saturday, October 12th. Mass begins at 10 am, followed by a procession at 11:30 am and a food sale in the gym. Come and be a witness to this beautiful tradition.

fleur cross logo Come to our Saint Bernadette Parish Picnic on Saturday, October 19th, from 1 to 5 pm. There will be great music, food, and games for the whole family. Check the bulletin to see what food you should bring. Volunteers are also needed! Please call the parish office to sign up to volunteer.

fleur cross logo We will celebrate our parish feast with a special Mass on Monday, October 14th, at 7:30 pm. Patronal feasts carry the same solemnity as Christmas and Easter! Please plan to come.

fleur cross logoThe Bishop has announced that the Diocese will take up a second collection for disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Helene. Please see the bulletin this weekend for information on how to donate online. Our second collection will occur on November 3rd, but the need is now. These financial resources will be utilized to respond to immediate emergency needs for necessities like water, food, shelter, and medical care and aid in long-term building and recovery efforts. Your generosity is appreciated.

Fr. Don’s Weekly Letter ~ 6 October 2024

Dear Good People of Saint Bernadette,

Do you remember this project? Well, today I have the happy job of telling you there is news about our new Parish Life Center!

Your generosity has weathered through two phases of a capital campaign, and I thank you for all you have given and continue to give with amounts pledged! As you know, we recently hired a new business manager, Linda Patterson, and her good work has helped us to put together a ten-year financial plan for the parish which was our last hurdle toward moving forward. The financial plan exhibits our ability to build and maintain the new building, keep on top of existing facilities and maintenance, and service any debt that
might arise during the construction process.

We demonstrated that our parish is financially very strong and will well withstand unforeseen fluctuations in the offertory or inflation.

We had already received from the county the special addendum approval for the site plan, which gives us permission to move forward on formal development plans, having considered environmental impact and stormwater management. Now, with the green light from the Diocese, we can commence working with our architect, Michael Foster (MTFA), and begin schematic design drawings so we can make tighter estimates of construction costs and stay within budget. Originally approved by the bishop for $7.6M, this step will help us determine how we proceed with design.

Another interesting fact is that the mora-torium which Bishop placed on capital fundraising in parishes last January 1 has been lifted. If you are new to the parish or did not have an opportunity to participate in the Capital Campaign over the past five years, I ask that you consider making a gift or pledge to the Campaign. There will always be inflation and the need for furnishings and finishes that could always be a little nicer if we have the funds at hand. Our second phase of the Campaign was about 10%, or $300K under goal when we
had to stop: we welcome your generosity.

So when do we get out the golden shovel for groundbreaking? As you know, I tend to be optimistic and would like to say we could start at the beginning of the summer. It would save a lot of confusion if we could get the site set up and major groundwork done when there isn’t a carpool twice a day. We will work that out, even if it seems more likely that we will break ground in the fall.

Some of you were starting to ask us if this
plan was even still in the works. Sometimes hopeful silence is better than postponed promises. But I think we are now at a point
where we can really start getting excited about this new space where our family will be able to grow and develop in ministry and outreach to the wider community beyond the limits of our own registration. Now we can surely imagine new possibilities with the knowledge that they are possible!

We’ll keep you informed as things progress. In the meantime, let’s think of parish activities which might add even more to our financial security as a parish and build up our community.

If you are interested in being involved in our ongoing fundraising, please contact Jean Corday in the parish office.

The Lord be with you,